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Our Learning & Teaching

St Jude's Parish Primary School 

At St Jude’s we believe that the most effective teaching and learning occurs when:


The learning environment is supportive and productive. 

Students are provided with a safe, stimulating and supportive environment where every student feels valued and has a right to learn. In a welcoming environment, students develop a positive self esteem and attitude towards their personal learning journey. At St Jude’s, the students are taught that everyone has a right to be treated with respect which includes themselves and others by showing awareness and acceptance of individual differences.


The learning environment promotes independence, interdependence and self motivation.

Responsibility for a student’s learning is shared in our school and students are provided with many opportunities to take personal responsibility for their own learning and actions. Students are encouraged to become independent learners, creative thinkers, team players and explore the way they learn best. Students make choices in their learning and develop personal goal setting with support from the school, home, Parish and the wider community.


Students needs’, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning program.

Students are active participants in a range of meaningful learning activities designed to cater for their natural curiosity and personal strengths. Teachers develop programs that cater to student’s interest, gender, personal, religious and cultural differences. We recognise the importance of family in each students learning and ensure that every effort is made to involve and inform parents in a supportive and effective manner. We value the diversity of families and build on the experiences that the students bring to the classroom.


Students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and responding.

We, at St Jude’s, believe that students are challenged and supported when exploring their learning and question how this learning can be applied to their real life situations. Teachers emphasise the quality of learning with high expectations of achievement and support students to reach their full potential. The teachers help the students to develop investigative and problem solving skills, which encourage questioning, reflecting, creativity and imagination so that learning is powerful and relevant.


Education in Faith

An Abundance of Mercy, Peace and Love

Our school Vision statement - ‘An abundance of Mercy, Peace and Love. Seeking and achieving together in God’s love’ is reflected in everything we do at St Jude’s. Through the charisma of St Jude, our students learn of the unconditional mercy and love of God. Through our curriculum, sport or play, we are called to serve others within our community and live and learn in harmony. Our strong emphasis on social justice teachings in our catholic social inquiry program makes it explicit for our students that it is through justice we achieve peace in our world.

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Fundamental to the Development of Each Child

At St Jude’s we know that literacy is fundamental to the development of each child in our school. Through our literacy program we nurture students’ literacy skills by immersing them in engaging experiences involving reading, speaking and writing and provide them with the skills to create oral, print, visual and digital texts.


We carefully monitor the literacy growth and development of each child through a range of assessments, to ensure that their learning relates to their personal needs. They develop the knowledge and skills to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating in and out of school, and for participating effectively in society.


At St. Jude’s we know that families are the most significant influence on their children's learning and development. We regularly communicate our goals to families, and encourage them to support their children's learning at home. We value the contribution that families can make and strongly encourage participation in our literacy program. 

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Personalised Learning Program in Mathematics

The Victorian Curriculum is implemented at St. Jude’s through our personalised learning program in Mathematics and is planned in relation to the actual level of each student. This program is designed to achieve:


  • deep knowledge, understanding, skills and values that will enable advanced learning and an ability to create new ideas and translate them into practical applications; and 

  • general capabilities that underpin flexible and analytical thinking, a capacity to work with others and an ability to move across subject disciplines to develop new expertise; and

  • flexible thinking, problem solving skills and risk taking when working mathematically


Through our personalised program, students take ownership of their learning as they inquire into the number system and its operations, patterns and functions. Children are assessed at each stage of their learning and their understanding made explicitly clear to them. Goals are set in partnership with the teacher and strategies and methods for developing their understanding of the unknown forms the basis of their learning in class. Focus groups are key to developing these strategies and for helping the student make further connections with teacher support and guidance.


At St Jude’s we aim to develop in our students, a comprehensive understanding of both Number and Applied Mathematics; assisting them to organise and make sense of their world and establish the skills necessary for bright and productive futures.

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Contemporary Learning

Drawing on Experiences Inside & Outside of the Classroom

Contemporary learning contributes to the full flourishing of each individual student Contemporary learning draws on student’s experiences both inside and outside of the classroom environment, to relate the capabilities they are developing during structured learning activities to the development of specific skills which relate to the world outside the classroom.

Our personalised approach to learning is informed by the Victorian Curriculum and caters for how each individual student learns. We provide powerful learning opportunities for students to develop critical skills and understandings that will empower them to be successful and active participants in our global community.


Our developmental program provides learning opportunities which respond to the diverse needs of all our learners. The data gained through rich and timely assessment allows us to provide flexible learning pathways to develop contemporary literacies and collaboration.

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Digital Technologies & STEM

Integrated into All Areas of the Curriculum

At St Jude’s digital technology is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. The school is well resourced with a combination of iPads, Chromebooks and desktop computers. The school has two 3D printers where children can plan, design and create 3D models.

Each learning space is fitted with an interactive whiteboard and teachers are skilled to use digital technologies as a key element of their teaching. A comprehensive responsible use of digital technology is taught from Prep to Year 6.

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Performing Arts

Encouraging Creativity & Opportunity in the Arts

Our Performing Arts program encourages creativity and allows opportunity for children to celebrate and participate in singing, dance and drama. Each student participates in a weekly class that includes movement, incorporating various dance styles, singing, recorder, percussion, mime, puppetry, script writing and developing acting skills.


St Jude’s hosts a Christmas Carols night for the school, parish and wider community, with each Year Level performing a carol.  It is a wonderful community gathering and celebration. Our students have the opportunity to attend private music tuition in keyboard,
drums and guitar. These take place on the school premises during school hours.


Visual Arts

Experimenting with Different Visual Art

St Jude’s has a fully fitted Art room where students learn the elements of visual art including drawing, painting, modelling with clay, collage and so much more.


The Visual Arts room is a creative space where children are taught to take risks and experiment in the different aspects of visual art. Through practical activities students learn and practice skills from Prep to Year Six. Each year the student’s work is displayed at the St Jude’s Cultural Arts Night. This is a fantastic event where the school community comes together to
celebrate our artists.


Visit our  Virtual Art Gallery 

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Physical Education

A Comprehensive Program For Our Students

A comprehensive physical education program is provided by an experienced physical education specialist teacher whose enthusiasm encourages a high level of participation, engagement & learning. The school is resourced with basketball/netball courts, an oval, a second grassed space and a well equipped gym.

The physical education program includes:

  • Formal weekly physical education classes

  • Opportunities for before school Physical Education programs.

  • House Sport Carnivals

  • Interschool Sport which provides students with the opportunity to represent St Jude’s Primary School at District through to State level

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L.O.T.E. - Italian

Content and Language Integrated Learning 

Research has shown that learning a second language has many benefits providing greater opportunity and increasing brain development and well-being. It improves our knowledge of how languages work and also enhances our thinking skills. Immersion in a target language allows for a deeper cultural understanding.


At St Jude’s we use the CLIL approach to teach Italian. CLIL (Content and Integrated Learning) is a dual-focused educational approach in which the Italian language is used for the learning and teaching of the mathematical curriculum Statistics and Probability. This approach facilitates achievements in both Italian language acquisition and Statistics and Probability.



We Are a 5 Star Sustainable School

As part of St Jude's environmental commitment we endeavour to practice Waste Wise initiatives, promote energy efficiency, reduce water usage, increase biodiversity in the school gardens and encourage community practice of sustainability.
Energy – To control energy consumption so that we reduce our impact on the natural environment; avoid unnecessary costs associated with wasting energy; educate students, staff and whole community about the best practice for use of energy consuming equipment and services; and to conduct an energy audit and maintain records of energy

Waste – to continue the development of a Waste Wise ethic within the whole school community; to provide and maintain healthy and aesthetically pleasing learning environment through the reduction of waste and litter; to practice waste wise principles of reduce, reuse and recycle; and to reduce the cost of waste and litter management.

Biodiversity – to improve our outdoor natural environment; by planting trees that are conducive to our environment; upgrading the play areas and making them environmentally friendly; using natural materials that reduce the impact on the environment; to educate the school community about incorporating biodiversity in our every day school life.

Water – to prompt actions that will reduce water usage; to appreciate water as a precious natural resource; to plant trees that are conducive to our environment and don’t need much water; to educate the whole school community about ways to reduce water usage both indoors and outdoors and to conduct a water audit and maintain records of water consumption.

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